We are excited to be hosting the following learning opportunities this year! Foster Care CE credits will be available for each event listed below.
January 25th - "Trust-Based Relational Intervention Follow-Up Q&A" led by Dorothy Holloway and Angela Bryan.
February 3rd - Choosing to Care: Adoption and Orphan Care Conference.
April 13th-14th - "Empowered to Connect Conference" Live Simulcast presented by Show Hope and the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development. Childcare will not be provided for this event.
June 11th - "Life Giving Speech" led by Beth Templeton.
July 16th - "Investing in Your Children as you Adopt and Foster Others" led by Whitney White.
August 20th - "Language of Adoption and Foster Care" led by Whitney White.
October 22nd - "Nurturing Relationships through Understanding Personalities" led by Thorn Winkler. Click here to register now!
Click here to sign up for our Learning to Care Listserve and receive announcements for our 2019 LTC Schedule!