2022 Learning to Care Calendar

We are excited to host the following education opportunities this year! Continuing education credits will be available for each event listed below.

May 14 - Show Hope’s "Hope for the Journey” 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Bethlehem Oconee 1820 Rays Church Road Bishop, GA 30621

July 11 - “Maternal Substance Use and its Impact on Mothers, Children, and Families” led by Kallio Hunnicutt-Ferguson 6:00 p.m. Watkinsville First Baptist Church 1610 Simonton Bridge Rd Watkinsville, GA 30677

September 12 - “Raising Resilient Children in an Anxious World” led by LeAnne Hale and Morgan Power 6:00 p.m. Watkinsville First Baptist Church 1610 Simonton Bridge Rd Watkinsville, GA 30677

November 7 - “Sibling Struggles: The Impact of Adoption and Foster Care on All Your Children” led by Whitney White 6:00 p.m. Watkinsville First Baptist Church 1610 Simonton Bridge Rd Watkinsville, GA 30677