Danny Stevens is going to teach our second Learning to Care Workshop entitled:
"Is My Family Different? A Look at the Dynamics of Adoptive and Foster Families."
Danny currently serves as the Coordinator for the Family Dependency Treatment Court program for Athens-Clarke County Juvenile Court. He also serves as part-time faculty with the College of Family and Consumer Sciences with the University of Georgia. He is retired from the State of Georgia, Division of Family and Children Services State Permanency Unit as a Program Manager and Regional Adoption Coordinator. He has an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Georgia Southern University and a graduate degree in Child and Family Development from The University of Georgia with research on Adoption, Infertility and Marital Satisfaction.
Adoptive and foster parents are invited to come to this 2 hour workshop, earn CEUs, and enjoy free childcare.
Please note that only 50 seats are available and only the first 50 children to register will able to stay for childcare. If you register for childcare, you MUST complete the follow up childcare registration form that will be emailed to you immediately after registering for this event.
We look forward to seeing you there!
RSVP @ www.learningtocareseptember.eventbrite.com