Educating and equipping our community to Care:
At Chosen for Life Ministries, we believe that Christ lived a life of love. He displayed this love through his care and compassion for the vulnerable, the marginalized, the sick, the forgotten. We believe that Christ’s followers are instructed to love one another and display our love in the same ways that Jesus did. Caring for children in foster care is one way that we can display Christ’s love to our community.
Share the Vision. Not everyone desires to foster or adopt, but we can all do something! Through our Foster Care Initiative, you can serve on a Care Team in one of several roles that best fits your skill set and availability. Through bulletin announcements, compelling videos, a topical sermon, additional awareness events, you can extend the call to your church community to care for vulnerable children and consider becoming a CFLM Foster Care Initiative church! Click here to see if your church already has a Foster Care Ministry you can join.
Identify a Church Advocate. The success of this venture depends on identifying a strong champion of foster care from within your church whom CFLM will train and equip to assist in recruiting and training volunteers to serve on Care Teams.
Recruit and Train Your Care Teams. The Church Advocate will work with our Foster Care Initiative staff to recruit and train church members who are willing to share the load of caring for one particular foster family.
Serve Alongside Your Foster Families. With a trained CFLM Church Advocate and Care Team Members, it's just a matter of time until new foster families and enthusiastic volunteers are ready to begin caring for foster children in your area!
Providing meals to a foster family
Bringing diapers, age appropriate clothes, or personal hygiene items for a child
Helping with school supplies, birthdays, and Christmas gifts
Getting approved to babysit or provide respite (overnight) care
Helping tutor, mentor, or provide occasional transportation assistance for appointments
If you want to talk with CFLM staff on how to begin a Foster Care Ministry at your church, contact us!