April 2019 Newsletter
On Monday, May 20th Pam Parish will join us for this year’s first Learning to Care workshop. Pam is a follower of Jesus Christ, and a wife for 24 years and counting. She is a mom of eight young women, and nana to four spunky grandchildren. Pam is a foster care and adoption advocate, author of the Ready or Not devotional series for foster and adoptive families, and the Founder and President of Connections Homes, an Atlanta-based organization working with young adults who have aged out of foster care, are homeless, or otherwise without family.
As parents the hardest thing to prioritize is ourselves. This is even harder for parents of children from hard places because the need-list grows longer every day and our needs are the first things to be put off or postponed until a "later" that never arrives. In this workshop, Pam will help us explore our "edges," those expectations, limits, and internal boundaries that exist in all of us. She will also discuss respecting our limits, freeing us to meet our children's needs from a place of strength.
Monday, May 20, from 6 to 8 pm at Faith Presbyterian Church (Free childcare is available, but limited. Register soon!)
We are just FIVE days away from our seventh annual Both Hands Project on Saturday, April 27. We will be working at NINE different homes throughout the community and we have over 160 volunteers ready to serve.
Our goal is to raise $100,000. Every dollar donated to our Both Hands Project funds our Adoption Assistance Grant. To date, we have awarded $432,960 to help Georgia families with their adoption expenses. We want to help eliminate financial barriers to adoption so that more waiting children will come home to their forever families.
Every dollar makes a difference to these adopting families. Each family is always so thankful for the financial support!
“Thank you, CFLM for advocating for the fatherless! We were speechless when we were notified that we had received a grant from CFLM! It was an incredible reminder that God is in every detail and that finances were not an obstacle for Him! We felt so humbled and grateful. We cannot imagine our lives without our beautiful girl!” - Adoption Grant Recipient
If you would like to make a donation to our Both Hands Project, you can do so in one of the following two ways:
Mail a check. Please make your check payable to Both Hands and indicate CFLM 2019 on the memo line.
Both Hands Foundation
PO Box 2713
Brentwood TN 37024Give online. Visit bothhands.org/chosenforlife2019 to donate online.
Please note: Your money is donated to Both Hands Foundation and they graciously manage all the finances for our event and pray for and encourage us, all at no cost. When the event is over, Both Hands Foundation sends 100% of the money raised to CFLM, so feel confident that 100% of your donation goes directly to helping Georgia families adopt. Donations may also be made online. Both Hands Foundation and Chosen for Life Ministries are approved 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Your donation is tax deductible. Both Hands Foundation and Chosen for Life Ministries are members of the Evangelic Center for Financial Accountability.
As summer approaches we are excited about the many ways churches work faithfully to minister to children across Region V! We believe that everyone has a role to play in caring for vulnerable children and Journey Church in Walton County has shown us that age is no factor. On Wednesday nights, children at their church are given opportunities to earn "cash" and practice generosity by using those resources to purchase items to support local missions. Journey Kids graciously leveraged their resources to gift our Clothing Closet with basic items like diapers, underwear, and socks. Seemingly simple donations like this allow us to better serve foster families while creating awareness throughout our community. We are so grateful and know that foster families will be too!
If you would like to support child welfare in your community and incorporate a missions/service project into your children's programming this summer, please contact Jessi Williams.