March 2020 Newsletter
Education News
We know that children (and adults) who have experienced trauma often have a greater fear response than might be typical, and we are all living in an unprecedented situation. Whether you yourself are concerned about the spread of this new strain of Coronavirus or not, the children in your home might be. As they see the news that sporting events are cancelled, famous actors and athletes have become infected, and see images of patients transferred via ambulance, your children may have questions.
With the suspension of many public school systems in our area (and throughout the country), children of all ages are now certainly aware that something is going on in our community, country, and world. With that in mind, we’d like to share some resources to help you and your family to talk with your children, answer their questions, and if necessary, acknowledge and address their fears.
UNICEF has written an article with 8 tips for talking with your kids. Notable tips include addressing stigma with your children and helping them to “look for the helpers,” likely good tips for all of us to take.
If your children are able to comprehend a slightly more technical understanding of a virus and how it spreads, this animated short film can answer many of their questions and provide some great talking points for your family.
For some, fears and anxiety may be very present and very real. This article from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America provides some excellent tips for addressing anxiety in children and teens during this time (and any period of anxiety).
The Child Mind Institute provides some great pointers for helping children escape the cycle of anxiety. This article isn’t COVID-19 specific, but is a great resource to help understand anxiety in children and ensure that you do not exacerbate your child’s fears.
Don’t Feed the Worry Bug is a book for children and an excellent tool to start the conversation on worry and anxiety. It is the 2019 Child Mind Institute’s pick for Best Children's Books about Mental Health.
Adoption News
Chosen for Life Ministries is excited to announce that we are starting something new in 2020! We are thrilled to announce our first ever Help & Hope fundraiser. Our prayer is that on Saturday, April 25, 75 volunteers will work together to complete three projects in our community. The mission of CFLM is to help churches, communities, and families care well for foster and adopted children. With that in mind, our focus for each project will be to support the people and places in our community that care for vulnerable children in our state’s child welfare system. Each volunteer will make an incredible commitment, not only to serve our community, but also to raise $1,000. Every penny raised by volunteers will go directly into our Adoption Assistance Grant Fund.
If you would like to volunteer with us at Help + Hope, simply complete this form.
Average adoption expenses exceed $40,000, and cost is the number one reason people list for not adopting. Chosen for Life Ministries wants to help eliminate financial barriers to adoption. Millions of children are in need of a family. We rejoice with the families that choose to bring one of these children into their home. It is our honor and privilege to support them with grants through our Adoption Assistance Grant Fund.
If you would like to support adopting families with a donation to our Adoption Assistance Grant fund, simply donate online or mail a check with “Adoption Grant” in the memo.