Watch Us Grow!

When Chosen for Life Ministries began in 2010, one of the big dreams was to begin a small grant fund that would be able to help families with the cost of adoption. What started as a fund that awarded grants to 5 families the first year has grown in incredible ways!

We have been able to mobilize volunteers over the years to join us in living out our calling in James 1:27 to serve both widows and orphans. Since our first Both Hands Project in 2013, we have gathered with over 600 volunteers to serve 24 widows in our community with projects around their home that they can’t complete on their own. These projects have not only helped with landscaping, cleaning, painting, and repairs, but they have also raised funds that have gone directly to Chosen for Life’s Adoption Assistance Grant fund!

One volunteer said,

I served because I love the heart behind this project and what our efforts mean to widows and orphans. It’s what Jesus has called us to and it made my heart happy to serve in such a way.
— Both Hands Volunteer

Our Both Hands Project is a beautiful day that brings together volunteers who spend a day serving women who have lost their husbands and need help with projects around their home. Beyond that, these volunteers fundraise for their workday and invite their friends and family to join their efforts in serving both widows and orphans. All of the donations go directly to our Adoption Assistance Grants that help reduce the financial barriers to adoption.

Thank you CFLM for advocating for the fatherless! We were speechless when we were notified that we had received a grant from CFL! It was an incredible reminder that God is in every detail and that finances were not an obstacle for Him! We felt so humbled and grateful. We cannot imagine our lives without our beautiful girl!
— The Watson Family

Giving a financial gift to Chosen for Life Ministries is a way you can watch us grow! We want to reach more families through our Adoption Assistance Grants to help welcome even more children into their forever families.

Through your giving, you are allowing our ministry to grow our Both Hands Project which will allow us to serve more women in our community who are widowed, mobilize more volunteers to live out their calling in James 1:27, AND help welcome more children into their forever families!

We invite you to join us.

Click here to see the ways you can join us as a monthly donor TODAY!

Chosen for Life