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Chosen for Life Ministries

We are a foster care and adoption support ministry.

We believe that everyone has a role to play in caring for foster, adopted, and vulnerable children.

We invite you to find your role.


Adoption Support Program

We know that adoption is a many step journey. CFLM desires to support families on this journey, both pre and post-adoption. We offer an Adoption Assistance Grant for adopting families to provide financial support. In addition, we offer adoption support services to local families.


Foster Care Program

We seek to educate, equip, and support churches to care for vulnerable children and families throughout Region 5. Through local church partnership, foster families receive ongoing, wrap-around support from teams of volunteers.



our mission

We help churches, communities, and families
care well for foster and adopted children.


Our Sponsors

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For a complete list of our 2021 corporate sponsors and donors, please see Our Sponsors page.