Order a My Name Matters Set


A black plastic trash bag. In 15 years of working with foster care, a trash bag was the most common way that Kelly Brooks, our Foster Care Initiative Coordinator, saw children carry their few worldly possessions when they were removed from their homes and placed into foster care. Most children who enter foster care have very little to call their own.

When Kelly and her husband received their first foster placement, her sweet mother brought each child a monogrammed towel and pillowcase. She realized this was the perfect gift for a new foster placement! It gave these children something personalized that they use often, hold close to them, and can truly call their own.

This is the inspiration behind Chosen for Life’s decision to offer the same gift of a personalized towel, pillowcase, and duffel bag to each foster child living in counties we serve. We desire to show love and hope directly to these precious children whose lives are currently filled with much brokenness and fear. These kids have almost no power or control over anything. They often have few or no possessions of their own. So, we decided we wanted to give them something special to remind them that they and their name matter.

Support My Name Matters

If you would like to join us in this mission by helping purchase pillowcases, towels, and duffle bags, please send a check to Chosen for Life Ministries with “My Name Matters” in the memo line, or donate online and call or email us to let us know your gift was intended for the My Name Matters gifts. 

Thank you to our My Name Matters Sponsors!