As a non-profit organization, Chosen for Life Ministries raises funds through various means including community fundraisers, event sponsorships, donations, etc. Funds raised help us educate and equip local churches and communities to care for vulnerable children in our neighborhood and around the world. Read more below to learn about each of these events, or contact us to see how you can get involved!
Our annual spring fundraiser is our Both Hands Project. It occurs every year on the last Saturday in April. This project provides volunteers with the opportunity to live out our calling in James 1:27 to serve both widows and orphans, and funds raised go to our Adoption Assistance Grant to help bring orphans home to their forever families. We’d love for you to join us in this year’s project. Read more to find out how!
Join us on Thursday, October 11th for the juried Chosen for Life Fine Art Exhibit & Auction! A local show, with local artists, benefitting local foster and adoptive families. Your purchase supports the work CFLM is doing to equip our community to care well for orphaned and vulnerable children. Be a part of sharing beauty in this community while adding beauty to your home!
We are excited to host the first CFLM Family Reunion on August 4, 2018! We hope to connect families together - the volunteers and widows who were served in our Both Hands event with the Adoptive Families they helped to grow, and foster families with one another!
One of our annual spring fundraisers is our Choosing to Care Banquet which occurs the week of our Annual Choosing to Care Conference. This banquet is always an exciting evening with delicious BBQ, an entertaining band, and engaging speakers who share with our guests compelling stories about their experience in orphan care and how CFLM is meeting a huge need.