Racing for a Place to Call Home

Doug and Samantha McFarland started the Run Home 5K - Racing for a Place to Call Home in 2014 to raise support for the costs of adopting their son, Ben. They saw the Lord's abundant provision of over 200 runners from 9 different states and 2 foreign countries, which blessed them with the resources to travel to China to adopt Ben!

Doug explains how the support has enabled his family to grow and how Chosen for Life has been a part of their family's adoptive journey. He says:

     "The support of the first Run Home 5k provided us with the money needed to travel to China and take our biological children with us, which helped Ben to fit in with our family quickly. In addition to that financial support, the turn out for the race and the enthusiasm for it was a huge encouragement to us."                                                                                  

The McFarland Family have been recipients of Chosen for Life's adoption assistance grant - a grant program designed to support Georgia families in the process of adoption. They have also attended several educational conferences that Chosen for Life has created as a way for families to see and hear from others who have been through the adoption process and can offer support and encouragement. 

The McFarland Family is now partnering with Chosen for Life to put on the 2nd Run Home 5K to support our local orphan care ministry and give other families the opportunity to grow! On October 22, 2016 you have the opportunity to join us in the race for caring for orphans!! 

Through this race, we hope to build awareness for the orphan care crisis locally and around the world and to raise money to help our organization continue educating and equipping the community to care for children in need of both a family and a home.

We invite you, and your family, to run with us on October! If you are a runner, we look forward to enjoying the beautiful, cool, Fall weather with you. If you are not a runner, we welcome you to run "virtually" by registering to run even if you can't join us that day. We would also love for you to come and fellowship with us whether you are running or not! Your participation in this event will allow CFLM to continue supporting adoptive and foster parents in their journey to care for the many children longing for a family to call their own! 

To register, please visit

Chosen for Life