What's Your Role?
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Joshua. Joshua becomes the leader of Israel after the death of Moses. The children of Israel have been wondering around in the wilderness for 40 years following their exodus from Egyptian captivity. At the appointed time, God speaks to Joshua and tells him that it is time for the Israelites to enter into the Promised Land.
There are a few obstacles in their way. One is Jericho, a fortified city which they have no hope of conquering on their own. Before they can even approach Jericho, however, they must cross the Jordan River. And, oh by the way, the Jordan is at flood stage. The Israelites are going to need a miracle.
This sets up a story, the theme of which is repeated throughout scripture, where God calls his people to do something seemingly impossible, and then supernaturally equips them to overcome the odds.
The people are told to march toward the Jordan. The priests are marching ahead, carrying the Ark of the Covenant. They are told when they get to the edge of the river, they are to step in. By faith they do, and the waters are immediately parted, allowing the people to cross over on dry ground. They, of course, go on to defeat Jericho through another miracle and are able to enter the Promised Land.
What stands out about this story to me is the action that was required before God moved. They had to take a step of faith (literally step into the water) before God made a way for them to accomplish what He called them to do.
I am often reminded of this story when I speak to families who have been called to foster or adopt. There is a lot of uncertainty that goes along with caring for orphans. How will I pay for this? How will the child adjust? How might this affect my biological kids? What issues might this child have been exposed to? This list goes on. And yet, time and again, I see folks who know that God has called them to foster or adopt and, with no possible way of knowing what may lie on the other side, they take that step. They put their feet in the Jordan and trust God to part the waters. And, time and again, He does.
One of the best parts of working with Chosen for Life is that we get to witness this first hand. God does not need us to accomplish His work, but he graciously chooses to use us to be a part of what He is doing. And while He can certainly do it on His own, He allows us to play a small part in holding back the waters as His people cross to the other side. And it is a beautiful thing.
So, what about you? Perhaps you are being called to foster or adopt. Or, perhaps you are being called to support those who are. Maybe that is by offering to babysit for a foster family. Maybe mentoring a foster child. Perhaps you could cook a meal for a foster family, or work on our Both Hands Project. Or, maybe you can give financially to support this ministry. Whatever it is that God is calling us to, one thing is certain. We ALL have a role to play. Maybe it’s time to get our feet wet.
- Brian King, Director of Development
To learn more about the ways that you can serve foster and adoptive families, visit our website at the following links.
- Through the Care Teams in our Foster Care Initiative, we strive to help you find a way that you can serve foster families with the time and talents you have.
- Our Both Hands Project provides individuals with the opportunity to practice the pure and faultless religion spoken of in James 1:27 by spending the day serving widows while raising money for orphans. You can volunteer to work with us on April 29th, or if you can sponsor the event by donating to individual volunteers, donating in-kind goods through your business, or donating financially to sponsor the event.
- You can become a childcare volunteer for our educational events, such as our Learning to Care Workshops, so that we can continue providing free childcare for every family who comes to to learn how to better care for the children in their homes.
- You can donate items to our Clothes Closet, or volunteer to help us sort and organize!
- You can partner with us financially, so that we can continue to provide resources that will educate and equip churches and communities to demonstrate how our adoption in Christ compels us to obey God's command to love and care for orphans.
There are lots of ways that you can play a role in caring for orphaned and vulnerable children. What might the Lord be calling you to do? Let us help you take the step of faith in whatever that may be!