Volunteer Spotlight: Jake Parham

Jake Parham is another wonderful example of how you can use your unique talents and skills to answer God's call to care for the widow and the orphan. He works as a Home Builder, and he chooses to use that amazing gift to help prepare and lead our Both Hands Project as a Project Manager. Our staff had the following to say about Jake:

"Many people have a willingness to serve. Jake Parham has a desire to serve. He is one of the most generous people I know and his desire to serve and love those around him flow directly from his love for Christ. We could not do projects like Both Hands without men like Jake. I am thankful to know him, to serve with him, and to call him friend."
- Brian King, CFLM Director of Development

Get to know Jake a little more by reading his answers to some questions we asked him. If you are serving as a Both Hands Volunteer this year, you may be working alongside him at the worksite he will lead. If so, take a moment and ask him to show you his hidden talent (find out what that is below!).. just don't use any sharp objects!

Occupation: Home Builder

Volunteer Position: Both Hands Project Manager

How did you first get involved with CFLM: My family received a grant early on in our adoption process. This was also very early in the life of CFLM.

What is your favorite memory from volunteering with CFLM:  Seeing the tears of joy come from a widow who had received the blessing of team work from the Body of Christ.

What has surprised you most about working with CFLM: The generosity of all those involved.

What makes volunteering with CFLM meaningful for you: To see a Godly goal achieved with common people. It's wonderful to see people pulling on the same direction for the goal of blessing the worlds most vulnerable and forgotten.

What is one of your hidden talents: I can juggle (object that is...I'm not great at juggling life)

How did people describe you in your high school yearbook: Brother (ha...I was homeschooled)

If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would you go: Colorado to ski.

Chosen for Life