Mother's Day

From CFLM, we'd love to send you an early "Happy Mother's Day!" We are so grateful for all the women who love and care for children - whether you are caring for your birth children, foster children, adopted children, or children who may not even call you mom. Each woman has a unique way of showing the love of Christ to children within her home and community, and we want to celebrate all of you this weekend!

While this holiday is full of joy and celebration for many families, we know that it can also bring with it a variety of other emotions. For some women and families their might be a mixture of joy and sorrow. For others, there may only be heartbreak. While we rejoice with families who are full of celebration, we want to also bring hope to the families who may be wrestling with sadness and grief. 

Chosen for Life Ministries has a Mother's Day radio spot on Life with Purpose Radio that we'd love for you to listen to. Our Executive Director, Mary Lee Herron, shares with us about CFLM's role in caring for orphaned and vulnerable children and responds to the question of how our community can care well for women that may be having a difficult day on Mother's Day in particular. She encourages us to remember that days like this can bring great sorrow to some and invites us to rethink who and how we celebrate - to celebrate and encourage all the women in our lives who have loved and cared for us as a mother should. Tune into 88.9 The Reach on Sunday at 8:30pm to hear it live, or visit  to hear it online now.

We also love this Mother's Day post from Katie Davis of Kisses from Katie. We have highlighted some of the wisdom she shares regarding the many emotions women mothering all types of children may feel on this holiday.

"So to all the moms out there who are cradling their little ones, or even their big ones, and wondering when you will stop feeling like a surrogate; to the mothers who are clumsily jostling their newborn for the first time and to those who are staring out over the expansive distance that has grown between themselves and that hard-to-parent teenager; your Heavenly Father sees you. And He is glorified by your trying, your pursuing, your loving. Love is a choice, and as we choose it, it grows. We keep choosing love and He keeps choosing us, and this, my friend, is the miracle.

My hope is that you will cherish God’s welcome invitation to know Him increasingly in answering the high calling that is motherhood. No matter how He has enabled you to be a mom, in marriage, in singleness, through foster care, through childbirth, as a mother of one, as a mother of many, keep being faithful to Him as you parent your children. He’s shaping them through you and He is shaping you through them.

And to all the mothers who have given their foster children to forever families but still have that child-shaped hole in their heart, to the mothers now called “birth mom” who have given their child into a better life out of love, to the mothers whose babies now rest in the arms of Jesus; thank you. You are brave, you are beautiful, and this day is for you, too."

We invite you to remember these words as you celebrate Mother's Day this weekend. Celebrate well the mothers you know - your own mothers and friends who are mothering. In your celebration, strive to encourage. Encourage mothers who are full of joy today. Encourage mothers who are struggling today. Encourage ladies who may not be mothers in a typical sense, but who mother and care well for the children the Lord has placed around them. 

As we celebrate with encouragement, let us also press in to vulnerable moments that this day brings for many women, remembering and trusting that Our Lord is sovereign over every circumstance and every life today and forever. 

Chosen for Life