Thank you, Kelly!

We are so thankful for all of the many volunteers and staff who work hard to meet the mission of Chosen for Life Ministries every day! Through everything that we do, we strive to care well for the children who need a safe and loving home to rest in, as well as care well for the families who are offering their homes and love to these children. We’d love to share some recent examples of how the work done at CFLM is making an impact on the community and how the love of Christ is being shared through our volunteers and especially through a specific CFLM staff member.

Kelly Brooks, the Chosen for Life Ministries Foster Care Initiative Coordinator, was recently awarded a Home in 5 Felecia Nieble Spirit Award. Kelly has worked for over 2 years to help start and run the Foster Care Initiative which is now connected with 23 local churches who have created 50 care teams consisting of over 500 volunteers that offer tangible and prayerful support to local foster families. Kelly has worked tirelessly to equip local churches to support foster families through the care team model. We are so proud of her work and were excited to hear that she had been nominated for such a deserving award.

Kelly was nominated by DFCS for this award because of the amazing impact that the Foster Care Initiative has had on families that are fostering in Clarke and Oconee counties. One foster parent noted how Chosen for Life “went above and beyond what was expected in providing quality book bags and school supplies for all of the kids [in his home] as well as through the support of volunteers in babysitting, providing meals, and giving personalized bags for every child [placed in his home].”

Another wonderful example given as motivation for Kelly’s nomination was from a parent whose placement ended after two years when the children went back to their birth family. This foster parent was grateful for all of the support during those years through her team that provided meals, clothing, and toys for the children. The care team sent her flowers and a card to show her love and care during a time of sadness after her placement with the children ended. What an outpouring of love and encouragement to this sweet foster parent!

Christ’s love is continuing to pour over families through the work of our care teams, and we are so thankful for the fruit that is coming from the years of hard work and commitment Kelly has demonstrated in running the Foster Care Initiative. We are also incredibly thankful for the commitment, passion, generosity, and love that each of our volunteers demonstrate daily by providing for the needs of foster families and children. The work being done is greatly valued and is bringing glory to God! We are excited to see the Lord continue working through each of you and meeting the needs of families who are fostering!

Kelly Brooks (Pictured left) was awarded the Spirit Award by Mary Havick, DFCS Regional Director (Pictured center), with Mary Lee Herron, CFLM Executive Director (Pictured right) for her outstanding efforts with the Foster Care Initiative.

Chosen for Life