- Give
- By partnering financially with CFLM, you play a role in growing families. Through your giving, orphans are welcomed into their forever families, foster families are surrounded by loving Care Teams, adoptive and foster families are supported through education and prayer, and the gospel message of our adoption into Christ's family is spread throughout our community.
- Join a Care Team to support one local foster family
- Our Care Team model allows you to find your unique role in serving one foster family throughout their foster care placement. Different roles allow you to use your talents, skills, and passions to creatively serve and encourage the family as they care for children coming from hard places. As a team, you together pray for and support a family to display the love of Jesus to them and the children in their home.
- Start a Foster Care and Adoption Ministry at your church
- Become an Advocate at your church to help others find their role in caring for families and children! Be a champion for foster care and adoption in your church and help others see the great need that exists locally. Work closely with CFLM as a support to you and your ministry efforts.
- Become a foster or adoptive family
- Attend an orientation with a local agency to learn more about opening your home to orphaned and vulnerable children.
- Volunteer with Chosen for Life Ministries
- Support families by helping provide free childcare for educational workshops, working in our free Clothes Closet for foster families, and by helping with fundraisers throughout the year.
- Join our Both Hands Project
- Live out the calling in James 1:27 to serve both widows and orphans. Spend one day working on a local widow's home while raising monetary support that will provide grants to help families with the expenses of adopting children.
- Become a CASA Volunteer
- Advocate for the best interests of an abused or neglected child who is in foster care. The CASA volunteer gathers information about the child's situation, attends court proceedings and makes a written recommendation to the judge so that the judge has the information to make a decision about the child's future.
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